Refinancing Your Mortgage

14 Aug


Refinancing your mortgage can be a difficult process.
Fortunately,  our recent refinancing transaction was
one of the smoothest I’ve experienced in quite some time.

Contact me and I will point you in the direction of amazing mortgage people.

We refinanced the mortgage on the home we have owned (in Encinitas) since 2004…
Here is what we received:
-30 year fixed rate mortgage
-3.75% rate
– Our LTV (Loan to Value) = 58%
– Property value of $900,000.

The loan is defined as a “Conforming Loan.”

Conforming loans in San Diego can have a loan amount of up to $580,750:

We chose not have our property taxes/insurance in an escrow account:

Still, we were able to refinance and keep our loan amount same (no additional monies added to the loan),
and have all our costs paid (we actually received a check for $275 at closing).

The main advisement I can give other than amazing mortgage people is that when your mortgage lender gives you a list of everything you need
to provide them (Tax returns/W2’s/1099’s/Bank Statements/Insurance/Trust Docs/Etc) be sure to get them all together ASAP and furnish them all at once –

It not only saves you time it also allows the process to function smoothly and quickly!

Also – VERY IMPORTANT –  We received countless mailings once the loan closed asking us to pay $$ for all types of things that we either
did not need or can get for zero cost.  These scammers are relentless.  Be sure to shred them all!

Also x2- Be sure to make the distinction whether the piece of mail you have received is from the Escrow/Title Company, County Recorder and/or your actual Lender.

All other stuff should be discarded.


Paul Tornillo, SRES
Windermere Homes & Estates
BRE# 01050795