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Scripps Encinitas completes $94M expansion

08 Jul

  I live a quarter mile away from Scripps Encinitas and these improvements are excellent… I may be biased because both my kids were born there…   As a subscriber to The San Diego Daily Transcript,  I am told a non-subscriber can access one online story per 24 hours… Paul Scripps Encinitas completes $94M expansion […]

Absentee and cash homebuyers in decline – Southern California

16 Jun

  I will take a look at local statistics regarding this subject in the Encinitas & Carlsbad area’s and post them.  With prices rising so rapidly in the last 18 months, Buyer’s have become more price conscious and picky regarding their purchases.  Overpriced homes are sitting.  Homes priced competitively are still seeing multiple offers.  -Paul […]

A mixed-use complex planned for Coast Highway 101

31 May By Bianca Kaplanek Story poles on a 1.76-acre lot at Dahlia Drive between Coast Highway 101 and Sierra Avenue outline what a proposed mixed-use development will look like if it is approved by the City Council. Photo by Bianca Kaplanek SOLANA BEACH — People driving along Coast Highway 101 in Solana Beach lately may […]

Solana Beach residents express concerns over potential development of land across from Fletcher Cove Park

31 May By Kristina Houck   The site where the Melmo building and the distillery lot currently sit could be developed, but residents want more places to park across from Fletcher Cove Park. Developers discussed the possibility of redeveloping the space between South Sierra and South Acacia avenues during a public workshop May 29. Lomas […]

Real Estate Volatility – Anatomy of a bubble, crash, and recovery to all time highs – Encinitas, CA 92024

30 May

In April of 2004 I signed a Purchase Contract for a brand new home on Beach Street in Encinitas. The home was scheduled for a May 2005 completion.  The purchase price ended up being $645,000 with some options and upgrades.  By the time the escrow closed in 5/2005,  the value of the home was approximately […]

Property Tax Bills Increase This Year? For those of us who received reassessment during home price decline

29 May

For those of us who were given a lower property value assessment during the crash/home price decline years our jig may be up. My house in Encinitas that was assessed in the $700,000’s was reviewed and reassessed to $600,000 as were most others in my 37 home development. That has been a saving of approximately […]

Claims Cause Hefty Hikes in Homeowners’ Premiums

02 Oct Insurance claims can cause significant increases in on homeowners’ policies according to the state where they are located according to a new study commissioned by Using a hypothetical two-story, single family home covered for $144,000 with a $500 deductible, the study revealed that how much annual premiums can rise following the filing […]